Are you looking for prices for Melrose 7s tickets 2010? Then check out the details below for an idea of what a day in the Scottish Borders will cost you to watch 24 teams battle it out to win the Annual Rugby Sevens tournament!
With tickets always selling out fast, why not print out the tournament details below and book your Melrose Sevens tickets before you forget. Great prices and facilities with teams from across the world invited to take part as well as the Borders teams like Melrose, Hawick, Selkirk & Jed Forest.
So contact the Rugby Club now for more details or visit their website to book online :
Melrose RFC
The Greenyards
Scotland. TD6 9SA
Tel: 01896 822993
» Click here to visit their website
2009 Melrose Sevens ticket prices
Position | Price |
WEST STANDS | £36.00 |
MAIN GRANDSTAND (back row) |
£30.00 |
ENCLOSURE | £25.00 |
GROUND (Adult) | £18.00 |
GROUND (senior citizen) | £12.00 |
GROUND (Children under 15) | £10.00 |